My name’s Nuri Galí Bellapart. I’m 16 years old. I was born in Castelló d’Empúries and I live here all my life. I went to school and high school in Castelló d’Empúries. Now I’m doing first batxillerat “Social” and I think, I will study administration direction in Business. I like riding horses and I go horse riding every weekend on Saturday in Hipique Aiguamolls. I have got two horses but they aren’t in Hipique Aiguamolls, they are in the family farm in Romanya de l’Empordà. My parents bought the horses when I was small and my family and me ride a horses and I started going to the hipique. My father and my uncle have got a garage in Castelló d’Empúries “ GERMANS GALÍ” and my mother is a monitor in the school. I have a brother his name’s George, he is one year younger than me. We live together with our dog “KISS-ME” and next to the garage.