dijous, 4 de juny del 2009


What's wrong with the world, mama
People livin' like they ain't got no mamas
I think the whole world addicted to the drama
Only attracted to things that'll bring you trauma
Overseas, yeah, we try to stop terrorism
But we still got terrorists here livin'
In the USA, the big CIA
The Bloods and The Crips and the KKK
But if you only have love for your own race
Then you only leave space to discriminate
And to discriminate only generates hate
And when you hate then you're bound to get irate, yeah
Badness is what you demonstrate
And that's exactly how anger works and operates
Nigh, you gotta have love just to set it straight
Take control of your mind and meditate
Let your soul gravitate to the love, y'all, y'all

People killin', people dyin'
Children hurt and you hear them cryin'
Can you practice what you preach
And would you turn the other cheek

Father, Father, Father help us
Send us some guidance from above
'Cause people got me, got me questionin'
Where is the love (Love)

Where is the love (The love)
Where is the love (The love)
Where is the love
The love, the love

It just ain't the same, always unchanged
New days are strange, is the world insane
If love and peace is so strong
Why are there pieces of love that don't belong
Nations droppin' bombs
Chemical gasses fillin' lungs of little ones
With the ongoin' sufferin' as the youth die young
So ask yourself is the lovin' really gone
So I could ask myself really what is goin' wrong
In this world that we livin' in people keep on givin'
Makin' wrong decisions, only visions of them dividends
Not respectin' each other, deny thy brother
A war is goin' on but the reason's undercover
The truth is kept secret, it's swept under the rug
If you never know truth then you never know love
Where's the love, y'all, come on (I don't know)
Where's the truth, y'all, come on (I don't know)
Where's the love, y'all

People killin', people dyin'
Children hurt and you hear them cryin'
Can you practice what you preach
And would you turn the other cheek

Father, Father, Father help us
Send us some guidance from above
'Cause people got me, got me questionin'
Where is the love (Love)

Where is the love (The love)
Where is the love (The love)
Where is the love
The love, the love

I feel the weight of the world on my shoulder
As I'm gettin' older, y'all, people gets colder
Most of us only care about money makin'
Selfishness got us followin' our own direction
Wrong information always shown by the media
Negative images is the main criteria
Infecting the young minds faster than bacteria
Kids act like what they see in the cinema
Yo', whatever happened to the values of humanity
Whatever happened to the fairness in equality
Instead in spreading love we spreading animosity
Lack of understanding, leading lives away from unity
That's the reason why sometimes I'm feelin' under
That's the reason why sometimes I'm feelin' down
There's no wonder why sometimes I'm feelin' under
Gotta keep my faith alive to lovers bound
(so ask your self)

People killin', people dyin'
Children hurt and you hear them cryin'
Can you practice what you preach
And would you turn the other cheek

Father, Father, Father help us
Send us some guidance from above
'Cause people got me, got me questionin'
Where is the love (Love)

Where is the love (The love)
Where is the love (The love)
Where is the love (The love)

Where is the love (The love)
Where is the love (The love)
Where is the love (The love)

Què és el que passa en el món, mare?

la gent viu com si no tingués família.

crec que el món sencer està enganxat al drama.

solament et sents atret per les coses traumàtiques.

fora del nostre país, vam intentar combatre el terrorisme,

però els terroristes segueixen vivint aquí en estats units,

la gran cia, els bloods, els cryps i el kkk.

però si només estimés a les persones de la teva pròpia raça

llavors només deixes lloc a la discriminació.

i la discriminació genera odi.

i quan odies t'envaeïx la indignació,

demostres maldat. i així és com funciona aquest entramat, germà.

has d'estimar perquè tot et surti bé.

pren el control de la teva ment i medita.

deixa que la teva ànima descobreixi l'amor.

Gent matant, gent morint.

nens ferits als quals escoltes plorar.

pots dur a la pràctica el que reses?

posaries l'altra galta?

Pare, pare, pare ajuda'ns,

guia'ns des de dalt perquè la gent em fa,

em fa dubtar on està l'amor? (amor)

On està l'amor? (l'amor)

On està l'amor? (l'amor)

On està l'amor? l'amor, l'amor.

No és el mateix a pesar de no haver-hi canvis.

els nous dies són estranys.

aquest es món boig?

si l'amor i la pau són tan fortes,

per què hi ha amors que es perden?

nacions llançant bombes, gasos químics omplint

els pulmons dels nens.

amb el sofriment continu d'una joventut que mor jove.

així que pregunta't ha desaparegut l'amor?

així podré preguntar-me què és el que va malament

en aquest món en el qual vam viure.

la gent segueix rendint-se.

prenent decisions equivocades,

només fixant-se en els beneficis sense respectar-se els uns als altres,

negant al teu germà. estem en guerra, però el motiu està camuflat.

la veritat és un secret, està oculta.

si no coneixes la veritat no coneixes l'amor.

On està l'amor, anem? (no ho sé)

On està l'amor, anem? (no ho sé)

On està l'amor, anem?

Gent matant, gent morint nens ferits als escoltes plorar.

pots dur a la pràctica el que reses?

posaries l'altra galta?

Pare, pare, ajuda'ns, guia'ns des de dalt perquè la gent,

la gent em fa dubtar.

on està l'amor? (amor)

On està l'amor? (l'amor)

On està l'amor? (l'amor)

On està l'amor? l'amor, l'amor.

Assec el pes del món en els meus muscles.

a mesura que em faig major,

la gent es torna més freda la majoria de nosaltres

només ens preocupem per guanyar diners.

l'egoisme ens fa seguir el nostre propi camí.

els mitjans sempre mostren la informació equivocada.

el seu principal criteri són les imatges negatives,

contaminant les ments dels joves amb més rapidesa que un bacteri.

els nois fan els quals veuen en el cinema..

jo, hagi passat el que hagi passat amb els valors de la humanitat,

hagi passat el que hagi passat amb la doctrina de la igualtat en comptes de propagar amor,

vam difondre rancor,

falta d'enteniment,

el que lluny d'unir-nos ens separa més i més.

és la raó per la qual m'assec baix de moral.

aquesta és la raó per la qual m'assec deprimit.

no hi ha dubte del per què de vegades m'assec baix de moral,

he de mantenir viva la meva esperança per als quals estimen.

On està l'amor?

On està l'amor?

On està l'amor?

On està l'amor?

Pare, pare, pare ajuda'ns.

guia'ns des de dalt perquè la gent em fa,

em fa dubtar. on està l'amor? (l'amor)



Shine On
The Kooks

Safety pins

Holding up the things
That make you mine
About your hair
You needn't care
You look beautiful
All the time
Shine, shine, shine on
Won't you shine, shine on
Your magazines
At people at the seams
But you still readI must admitI don't believe in it
But I see how
You get sucked in
Shine, shine, shine on
YesWont you shine, shine on(Sha la la la)
Shine, shine, shine on
Won't you shine
Shine on
Because your not done
Why do you bite the hand
That feeds you
Why do you
Why do you bite the hand
That feeds, you
Shine, shine, shine on
YesWont you shine, shine on(Sha, la, la, la)
Shine, shine, shine on
Wont you shine, shine on
Safety pins
Holding up the things
That make you mine
About your hair
You needn't care
You look beautiful
All the time

Agulles de seguretat,
sostenint les coses que li fan les mines?
Sobre el teu pèl
no has de preocupar-te
et veus bella tot el temps
Lluentor,Brillo Brillant
Perquè no brilles?
Les teves revistes,de persones i costures
Àdhuc així les llegissis
He d'admetre que no crec en això
Però veig que a tu t'interessa
Lluentor,Brillo Brillant
Perquè no brilles?
Perquè no ho fas
Perquè compres a la mà que t'alimenta?
perquè? perquè comprar la mà que t'alimenta?
Lluentor,Brillo Brillant
Perquè no brilles?
Agulles de seguretat,
sostenint les coses que li fan les mines?
Sobre el teu pèl
no has de preocupar-te et veus bella tot el temps



I think that this presentation is the more difficult than others presentations because it was a subject that I didn’t dominate and there was a new vocabulary very difficult, scientific.
In my opinion, I think that the best presentation was the first one because I was a subject about you and you dominate the situation.
I like that we do the orals presentations so we take ability to speak in English.

Transcription of my oral presentation!!



What is the illness?

Malaria is a disease (illness) to provoke for “protozous”.
In the world there’re four hundred millions cases every year and it is the cause of death the more million persons.

Where is this illness?

The place more affect of malaria is the African continent.

How you take the disease?

The animal who transmits malaria is a female of mosquito. The mosquito bites a person while her spit come in her blood. The spit take the “esperozous”. After her spit through the blood arrive in the liver.
In the liver the “esperozous” has reproduced and they transforms with “merozous” and these affect the reds balloons and they continue to reproduce and finally they broke the red balloons.
This process can finish with the death of the person.

What are the signs?

The signs of malaria are dividing in three stages:
The first stage is when:
- The people have shivers for fifteen minutes more or less.
- Malaria can give vomiting, headache and retch.
The second stage is when the people have a high temperature, more or less forty degrees.
The third stage is when the people start to sweat a lot.
Afterwards the stages finish all is good but after two or three days these process starts the new.
As the illness progress there’re inflammations in the liver and in the spleen.

What can we do to prevent the illness?

The people when they want to go in Africa they have to do preventions for don’t take the malaria. The preventions are:
- They have to wear long clothes for example jeans…and the colors of the clothes are bright.
- They don’t have to put perfumes.
- They have to put insect repellent.
- They have to sleep in the closes rooms with mosquito nets.
- Before to go in Africa they have to inject the malaria vaccine.

Final Evaluation!!

· Observing your portfolio, can you see an improvement on your level of English since September 2008? Where, for example?
I think that I have improved because we had to write a lot and we worked the opinion essay, discussion essay, compositions,… so we learnt a lot. I think that I improved more that the last year.
Which activity best shows your level of English?
I think that the activity which best shows my level are the blogs and the portfolios because we had to write a lot.
· Which activities were really USEFUL for you to improve your English? Why?
I think that the most useful activity were the oral presentation because you have to write and prepare, so you take more ability and you improve and it’s very useful because I think that’s very important to have ability to speak.
· Which activities did you not find useful to learn English? Why not?
In my opinion I think that the least useful was watching the film, because it was with Spanish subtitles.
· Which activities did you enjoy doing and would like to do again next year?
I think that the best activity was the Aula d’Idiomes activity because you can use the computer or you can walk to film or more things.


In the class

Tania: Jamie, where were you yesterday at night?

Jamie: I went to a party with my friends.

Tania: Oh... I didn't know that.

Jamie: I'm sorry but at the party there weren't girls.

At breaktime

Tania: How was the wekkend?

Polly: Oh very well!! I had a good time!! I was at a party!

Tania: Who did you go with to a party?

Jamie Arrive.Kiss Tania

Polly: What are you doing with Tania?

Jamie: She is my girlfriend.

Polly: You didn't say taht the other day!

Polly RunTania: Tell me, every thing right now.

Jamie: Ok last weekent I was with Polly at the party but I didn't want to, it was a mistake.

Tania: I don't want ton see you anymore!

Polly: Oh I'm sorry I didn't know that Jamie was you boyfriend.

Tania: I don't want to speak to, you anymore!

Polly: This situation is unfair because I didn't know anything about your relationship

dimecres, 3 de juny del 2009

The Film!!

The Wimbledon!!

Wimbledon is about a guy who comes from a family who don't have a lot of money. He is an excellent tennis player. He goes to the championships at Wimbledon because he has the ability to win.

When he arrives there, everything is new to him. He starts to participate with others and in the beginning he loses the matches.

Afterwards he meets a girl who is also participating. She comes from a family who have a lot of money. They go out together and the guy is happy and he starts to win the matches and his ranking goes up. They admire each other, and they fall in love. The girl's father doesn't like the situation because he thinks that his daughter can't concentrate on winning. The father threatens the guy and he distances himself from her. But later the girl tells him that her father shouldn’t get involved in their relationship.

The guy has to play against his best friend. At first the guy doesn't want to win because he thinks that his friend will get angry with him. But he beats him.

I recommended it to you!!


“ We have almost learnt to respect our world”

I disagree with the idea that the people have almost learnt to respect our world. In my opinion we've started to learn the first small part to respect our world that’s why most people start to recycle because if we don’t recycle we won’t be existence. The town halls make the cities and village recycle the rubbish.

At the moment, the people mistreat our world because we don’t respect nature. The people buy cars, motorbikes which aren’t good for the environment. Now everybody have has their car and perhaps they have two or more, they have a boat... The people have a lot of choice that it pollutes and this has very important consequences. Afterwards the air is polluted and there is a lot of disease, etc. Pollution can cause the death of a lot of people and it’s serious.

I also believe that businesses from rich countries pollute a lot. So in the city is the place most affected. As a result, we are wasting the world’s resources and finally we won’t have enough resources to survive because we are already wasting everything.

In conclusion, I would say that if we continue with this situation we pollute ourselves, that’s more or less what's happening now. So we have to make changes to save the our world. By starting to recycle that most people do at the moment, use more public transport, so the people don’t use their cars and this represents a decrease in pollution, etc.

dimarts, 2 de juny del 2009

dilluns, 4 de maig del 2009



Now, a doctor’s study found that almost four in 10 patients with aggressive prostate cancer did not need planned operations or radiotherapy after simple changes to their diet and exercise. Previous studies have shown that adopting healthier habits can help to prevent cancers developing.

The Cambridge researchers decided to test the effects of adopting a healthy regime for 110 men who had been diagnosed with the aggressive form of prostate cancer. They were asked to cut down on salt and alcohol, eat more only, lose weight and take moderate amounts of regular exercise. Some patients were also given vitamin and mineral supplements. Which the findings show made no difference to their cancer. All the patients also took small does of aspirin, although the researchers say there was no conclusive evidence that this helped.

Doctors monitored the progression of the cancer by testing for Prostate Specific Antigens (PSA), which rise as tumours grow.

dijous, 16 d’abril del 2009



Chace Crawford is handsome new actor. He has only been in the public eye since 2006, but you have probably already drooled over him in Gossip Girl, playing sexy Nate Archibald. He also starred as Tyler Simms in horror film in The Convenant. Christopher Chace Crawford was born in Lubbock, Texas on 18 July 1985.

He left Malibu, California to study a Peperdine Universitiy. Chace worked as a model in Dallas before considering a degree in either advertising or business and communication.

Normally, his mother convinced him to persue acting because an aptitude test in high school revealed he was good at the performing arts.

Chace is an actor and model. He likes to practice sports like golf or football. He likes the music and he plays the electric guitar. Two of Chace's biggest ambitions are to get married and to fly a plane before he dies.

drooled= bavejar
performing= interpretar

dimarts, 14 d’abril del 2009



More than 130.000 foreign students go to Canada every year to study. The Canadians recommend you that you prepare to travel months in advance. Study permits are obligatory for course of more than six months and can be obtained from the Canadian embassy in Paris. The Students who are interested to enter, will need to provide documents, a photocopy of their passport, proof of admission and proof of financial support. The students that they interested in studying at a university from Canada, they will need to provide proof of their language level.
Students can contact the study centre and if they are interesting to go this university they have to register a university and they have to arrange too. The school will provide information about the cost of applying, tuition fees. health insurance, accommodation and language level tests.

Some students can use a Spanish agency to do the work for them. Many agencies can be found at the web site of the Asociación Española de Promotores de Cursos en el Extranjero. Useful web sites for anyone interested in studying in Canada are: wwww.livelearnandsucceed.gc.ca, and others.


IN ADVANCE: amb antelació
PROOF: proba
SUPPORT: suport
TO REGISTER: inscriure's
TO ARRANGE: organitzar

dilluns, 23 de març del 2009

STORY (extra work)

The weather forecast said it was going to be a bright sunny day. My parents were happy because they wanted to go on a trip to the mountain.

They organized a trip in mountain with their friends. They had a picnic and they ate and drank. Afterwards, they continued to go for a long walk but suddenly there were clouds and it started to rain and they were very wet, luckily they found cover and they waited there.

After one hour it stopped raining and they continued to walk and they found a bear and they were very afraid and they started to run. They hid and they tried to phone the police but there wasn’t reception. However, a helicopter passed over, and the police saw them and they went to rescue them and the police took them to entrance of forest and they showed the sign that said that it was dangerous because there was a bear.

dimarts, 10 de març del 2009

My town!!!

I was born in Castelló d’Empúries, a town in Alt Empordà. It is a big town, there are approximately 10.000 people. The basilica is very important in Castelló d'Empúries, it's very big and beautiful, it's Romanesque. There is a washing place, Flour factory "farinera", viewpoint "mirador"...
Now, the "farinera" is a very famous museum. When you go there, they explain the processes of making flour and they show you the machinery.

I have lived in Castelló d’Empúries my whole life. I like this town because I have made a lot of friends. My friends and I sometimes go to Figueres to buy clothes because there are only shops for old people in Castelló d'Empúries and we can use public transport to go to Figueres.
Castelló d’Empúries holds the Medieval festival every September and it’s wonderful!! because everybody wears medieval clothes and the people put on shows in the town. Everybody enjoys it a lot because they participate.

Description of friend!!

I write a description of Julia who is a good friend of mine. We met when we started highschool.
She is thin and she isn't tall, she is 1,62m. She has brown hair and she has small blue eyes. She has a small nose and the mouth too but her lips are very big. In her face cheeks stands out. She has a small face. She has a normal neck.

She has beautiful hands, her hands are very gentle. She has a small chest, but it's normal because her constitution is thin. She has a little tummy because she already has a baby paunch. She has a good bottom, it's very nice. She has normal legs and her feet are a little big however her big toe is very big.

Julia is a sensitive person, she isn't a moody person. She is honest you can trust with her because she is a confident person. She always worries about her friends and she tries helping you if you have a problem. She is friendly and very sympathetic. Julia is a person that never wants problems. She shares the things about others. She is very sociable; she knows a lot of people. She likes tennis a lot and she practices tennis in Figueres. Julia is very intelligent.

The podcast!*

dilluns, 9 de març del 2009

Transcription of my oral presentation!!

My Oral Presentation of Canada
Where is English spoken?
Approximately 17 million speak of people English as their native language. Canadian English contains elements of
British English in its vocabulary. Canadian English and American English are sometimes grouped together with North American English. Canadian English spelling is a blend of British and American conventions.

In 1497,
John Cabot explored Canada's Atlantic coast for England and in 1534 Jacques Cartier for France . French explorer arrived in 1603 and established the first permanent European settlements at Port Royal and Quebec City. Canada was the main front in the War of 1812 between the United States and the British Empire. Canada entered World War I in 1914 with Britain's declaration of war, sending volunteers to the Western Front who later became part of the Canadian Corps . In 1931, the Statute of Westminster affirmed Canada's independence.

Food and drinks:
There are some dishes traditional or usual in Canada.
- Poutine (Quebec): is a dish consisting of
French fries topped with fresh cheese curds , covered with brown gravy and sometimes additional ingredients. Poutine is a fast food staple in Canada.
- Nanaimo Bars (British Columbia): is a
dessert of Canadian origin popular across North America.
- Malpeque Oysters (Prince Edward Island)
- Rappie Pie ( Nova Scotia): This traditional Acadian dish made with raw grated potato and meat has been a staple of the region.
And there are two drinks very popular:
- Ginger Ale:
Ginger beer , a strongly flavoured, fermented product, that appeared in the British Isles
- Maple Syrup: is a
sweetener made from the sap of maple trees. In Canada and the United States it is most often eaten with waffles and pancakes.

Banff: .It is located in the famous Banff National Park. Banff is a resort town and it is known for its mountainous and hot springs . In this destination you can do a lot of sport for example: biking , scrambling and skiing.

Vancouver: FALSE CREEK: is a science centre in Vancouver.

Gastown: is an area of Vancouver. It’s the general street where there are boutiques, restaurant,...and in this street there are The Gastown Steam Clock Gastown's most famous.

Totems en el Stanley Park: Situated in Vancouver. It’s a famous park.

If you like the science especially anthropology you can go to the museum of anthropology it’s very interesting.
Museum of anthropology: was established by the faculty of the Department of Anthropology to give opportunities to their students.

The Vancouver Aquarium Marine Science Centre is a public aquarium located in Stanley Park in Vancouver. The aquarium is a centre for marine research, conservation and marine animal rehabilitation.

- Niagara Falls: it’s very famous and very important. The international border between the Canadian province of Ontario and the US state of New York . It is the most powerful waterfall in North America.

CN TOWER: The CN Tower , located in Toronto, is a communications and observation tower standing 553.33 metres. The CN Tower remains a symbol of Canada very important.

QUEBEC: Quebec City is known for its Winter Carnival and for its Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day celebrations. Tourist attractions located near Quebec City include Montmorency Falls and the Basilica of Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré.
A picture of
Quebec Winter Carnival.

MONTREAL: Place des Arts is a major
performing arts centre in Montreal.

Conclusion: We think that, after doing this work of Canada that it's a new experience for the students because you have to look for information and you select these and at the same time you learn. Now we know a lot of things that before we didn’t know and it’s more important. We think that it’s good to do a work of a country which speaks English or other languages so you learn traditions or other custom. We liked doing this project a lot because you can share some opinions of another Country. We decided to do it about Canada because we think that it is very nice placePoutine is a fast food staple in Canada.


In the past there was discipline in schools, teachers were stricter with their pupils and they taught education and respect the others …. .

If you didn’t behave well, they punish you. Sometimes the punishment that pupils got was very strict and violent. At the present, I think that if the teachers practised punishments. The pupils would complain to their parents and parents would old report the teachers. This is what happens now.

On the one hand, I believe that punishment is a good form to teach the pupils. However, I also think, that punishment needs to have a limit.
On the other hand, I think that before that the teacher punish they should speak with the pupil.

Some people would argue that teachers punish the pupils so they don’t behave badly the next time but others would say that teachers don’t punish the pupils but I think that it’s bad because then pupils could do the one.

My opinion is that teachers have to teach education to their pupils, respect to the others because their pupils have to learn to be a person. Sometimes they need a punishment. However, the punishment mustn’t be too violent. And I think that the teacher has to speak to the pupil before because they have to learn to speak.


What about being a famous person?

There are always a lot of people who are famous people for a lot of reasons. For example: you can be a famous person if you are a good actress and you won the Oscar like Penelope Cruz or you can get married with a big businessman or you can be a good singer…

There are advantages and disadvantages about being a famous person.
On the one hand, it is advantageous to be a famous person because you earn a lot of money and you are rich and you can go to big party’s with other sand you can wear a beautiful dress and they don’t know that there's a crisis. They can have a luxurious house and car and they can enjoy what they want.

On the other hand, there are also disadvantages about being a famous person because if you want to continue being a famous person you will work and you will look after yourself and the image, it’s very important, because if you don’t control this (work and image) the journalists won’t be interested in you and you would lose fans and popularity. And you have to be always happy for the press.

Some people would like to be a famous person because they go on holiday every year and they have a lot of luxurious houses and finally they have a lot of money but others wouldn't want to be a famous person because famous people has a lot of money and sometimes it’s bad to have a lot of money because you start to buy and you can’t control this and finally this person takes the drugs and others things…

In reality, however everybody would want to be a famous person to enjoy the luxurious houses or cars or horses or everything that they have.

On the one hand, I believe that I want to be a famous person to have a lot of money so I could have a lot of horses and a luxurious house and I can enjoy my hobbies. On the other hand, I wouldn't want to be a famous person because you have a bodyguard everyday and I think that it’s exhausting to have a lot of journalists waiting outside your house or the place where you are. And basically you can’t have a private life.


The differences that I found between the book and film are The following ones:

In the book, Victor Frankenstein mother’s dies because she was ill and in the film she dies while giving birth to William.

In the book Justine's mother doesn't appear and in the film she appears.

Another difference is that in the book Victor has two brothers: William and Ernest and the film there is only one; William.

After Victor’s father gives a mother’s diary to Victor and in the book this doesn’t happen.

In the film, a farewall party is celebrated and not in the book.

In the film, Victor has a friend called Henry Clerval and they have known each other since they were small and in the book they meet at the scientific university.

In the film, Victor works in laboratory near the university and in the book he works on an island in a laboratory.

In the book, the experiment is a secret thing and in the film Henry knows about the experiment.

In the book, the teacher doesn’t die and he helps Victor and in the film the teacher dies.

In the film, the owner of Felix’s house asks for money to rent and in the book he doesn’t appear.

In the book, Justine doesn’t have a trial.

In the film, the first woman who starts to create is Justine so he doesn’t want to continue the experiment and in the book he doesn’t know the first woman who he starts to create.

In the film, Victor wants to give life to Elisabeth but not in the book.

In the film, the Monster Elisabeth dies being burn and in the book it doesn’t appear.

In the book, the monster kills himself, and in the film the monster dies burned next to Victor’s body.

dijous, 5 de febrer del 2009

Bend it like Beckham!!

This film is a comedy, it is about a girl called Jess and her origin is Indian and her parents would like their daughter to be an excellent Indian. Jess has good marks and she likes to play football a lot. She always plays football with other friends and one day a girl, she’s called Jules who plays team football, sees Jess playing and she proposes to Jess to play with her football team. Jess does a test and the trainer accepts her. Jess tells Jules that her parents don’t like their daughter playing a football so Jess doesn’t tell them. Jess invented that she has a job and every afternoon goes to play football with the team. Jess has to buy the equipment of football and she has to save money to buy the clothes. Her sister has to get married and her parents are very happy. Jess has to buy the shoes to go to the wedding but because she buys football equipment she doesn’t enough have money and Jules borrows her mother’s shoes. Jess’s mother wants her daughter to learn traditional Indian cooking and she get married to a very rich Indian.

Her sister discovers Jess and she tells her parents and they have a upset but Jess tells her parents that her sister cheats her future husband with another man. The first team that Jess plays , she doesn’t want to play because on her legs she has a burns and her legs are very ugly but her trainer persuades her to play. She is a good player!!

Jess and Jules always meet and the future husband of Jess’s sister’s parents see Jess with Jules and they think that Jules is a boy and they tell her parents that Jess is going out with an English boy and the parents of the future husband and the sister decide to cancel the wedding.

divendres, 30 de gener del 2009

Formal letter!!

4 Arrabassades Road
Castelló d’Empúries
19th January 2009

Lluïsa Pintó
IES Castelló d’Empúries
Rentador Street
Castelló d’Empúries 17486

Dear Ms. Pintó,

I am Nuri Galí Bellapart and I anow studying first batxillerat and I'm doing the batxillerat social. I have been studying for five years in this center in IES Castelló d’Empúries. I am writing to explain the bad things and good things of our high school.

I think the high school is very ugly; I know that it won a prize but it’s very cold, aggressive because there isn’t a colour on the wall. I've now started to decorate a few paintings in the interior and it is more decorative but I’m sorry the painting is ridiculous in my opinion.
It's cold in the classrooms because if you don’t sit next to the heater you get very cold.
I think too, that in high school, we only do one trip in fourth ESO to Italy. In Batxillerat we don’t travel and I don’t like that, because others high schools travel every year and in Batxillerat too.
In high school there isn’t a stage and it's necessary because when we do the activities together or we get together we have to go to the gym. For example: the activities of Christmas, someone does a poem or they sing and they play an instrument and we had to go to the gym to see it. And last year to gave prizes we also had to go to the gym.
Other things that I consider necessary is that in the changing room there isn’t a mirror and neither in the toilet and especially the changing room of girls, it’s important. The wardrobe doesn't have heating and when the first batxillerat go to do gym at eight o’clock it’s very cold.

The good things that there is in high school is that in Batxillerat, the teachers prepare the pupils very well because we have to work hard but later you prepare for University, its well! And the other things that are good at high school is that we have big audiovisuals.
It’s my opinion of high school I hope that you understand.

Yours faithfully,

Nuri Galí Bellapart

divendres, 2 de gener del 2009

The News!!


According to the latest polls the results are that British women spend 500 pounds a year on footwear. In the summer people spend a lot of money to have a lot of shoes. Perhaps the woman has to have ten pairs of shoes or more. On the other hand, men are easier than woman, because they don’t have a problem with their feet - they aren’t expected to look alluring. In general the most comfortable footwear in summer is sandals. And sandals are all types:

- FLIP-FLOPS: it is very popular footwear. And a lot of people have worn this footwear for long time. Flip-flops can cause tendon problems and heel pain. And the people advise that this footwear is dangerous for driving and you can slip when the floor is wet.

- SLIP-ONS WITH MOULDED FOOTBEDS: according to people this footwear is better than flip-flops. Because in this footwear there are supports that help to hold the foot in place in the shoe, so you don’t have to grip with your toes.

- BALLET PUMPS: these shoes are disastrous because there isn’t support at all times because the support has broken or a lot of people often tread down the back of shoes.

- TRAINERS: The people like trainers because they support the foot and they don’t do horrible things to your toes, and it is the most comfortable. But the problem is that some trainers don’t breathe and some people have fungus in their toes because some people have sensitive toes.

- CROCS: It is comfortable footwear . And there are varieties of styles you can try different styles that you like more. And they have straps that hold your feet in place so you are less probable to slip on the floor.


Now, the bultaco is a famous brand name in t-shirts, everybody wears their logo in black t-shirts. But once, the bultaco was a name of renown in trials and motorcycle competitions. On the 18th October is the 50th anniversary of the companies founding. After that Francisco Paco Bulto left Montessa motorcycles and the companies left the competition, the Bultaco came and it was famous and nowit is too. Bulto doesn’t want to lose the competitions, he created the company Bultaco in Barcelona in 1958. It’s motorcycle history because before it was very famous, the Bultaco Sherpa t 350 that revolutionized trial competitions in the 1960.

The name Bultaco, is a combination of Bultó’s first and last name, Bultaco. The symbol of Bultaco is believed because Bulto saw a David Whitworth, motorcycle racer, give his team the thumbs up that all was well.

Bultaco closed in 1979 with other company’s bike the Spanish after the crisis increment when Japanese bikes flooded the market. In 1999 Derbi motorcycles had the same name and logo and nowadays people wear sports clothes with the logo.


Now, the legal norm is that the worked can’t work more than 9 hours per day, it is maxim. The workers work 8 hours of day and it is the norm.

In Badalona, there was a sweatshop (and it is illegal), which forced workers to work up to 15 hours per day. The workers who worked in this company send an anonymous letter to the police asking for help. The women who worked in this company were forced to work for the Chinese nationals who entered the country illegally. After the Mossos went into the building and they saw nine women sewing and two men that were between 21-34 years old. According to the Chinese family the flat measured 60 m and included 13 sewing machines and with this they could sew a lot of clothes. The flat was very small for a lot of people and there were bunk beds for the women to sleep on as well as a bathroom. The women came to Catalonia illegally for 8000€. The two men were arrested for violations but they have since been released on bail. And the women were held in the sweatshop. These companies forced illegal immigrants to work in flats or garages.