dilluns, 9 de març del 2009


What about being a famous person?

There are always a lot of people who are famous people for a lot of reasons. For example: you can be a famous person if you are a good actress and you won the Oscar like Penelope Cruz or you can get married with a big businessman or you can be a good singer…

There are advantages and disadvantages about being a famous person.
On the one hand, it is advantageous to be a famous person because you earn a lot of money and you are rich and you can go to big party’s with other sand you can wear a beautiful dress and they don’t know that there's a crisis. They can have a luxurious house and car and they can enjoy what they want.

On the other hand, there are also disadvantages about being a famous person because if you want to continue being a famous person you will work and you will look after yourself and the image, it’s very important, because if you don’t control this (work and image) the journalists won’t be interested in you and you would lose fans and popularity. And you have to be always happy for the press.

Some people would like to be a famous person because they go on holiday every year and they have a lot of luxurious houses and finally they have a lot of money but others wouldn't want to be a famous person because famous people has a lot of money and sometimes it’s bad to have a lot of money because you start to buy and you can’t control this and finally this person takes the drugs and others things…

In reality, however everybody would want to be a famous person to enjoy the luxurious houses or cars or horses or everything that they have.

On the one hand, I believe that I want to be a famous person to have a lot of money so I could have a lot of horses and a luxurious house and I can enjoy my hobbies. On the other hand, I wouldn't want to be a famous person because you have a bodyguard everyday and I think that it’s exhausting to have a lot of journalists waiting outside your house or the place where you are. And basically you can’t have a private life.