dijous, 4 de juny del 2009

Transcription of my oral presentation!!



What is the illness?

Malaria is a disease (illness) to provoke for “protozous”.
In the world there’re four hundred millions cases every year and it is the cause of death the more million persons.

Where is this illness?

The place more affect of malaria is the African continent.

How you take the disease?

The animal who transmits malaria is a female of mosquito. The mosquito bites a person while her spit come in her blood. The spit take the “esperozous”. After her spit through the blood arrive in the liver.
In the liver the “esperozous” has reproduced and they transforms with “merozous” and these affect the reds balloons and they continue to reproduce and finally they broke the red balloons.
This process can finish with the death of the person.

What are the signs?

The signs of malaria are dividing in three stages:
The first stage is when:
- The people have shivers for fifteen minutes more or less.
- Malaria can give vomiting, headache and retch.
The second stage is when the people have a high temperature, more or less forty degrees.
The third stage is when the people start to sweat a lot.
Afterwards the stages finish all is good but after two or three days these process starts the new.
As the illness progress there’re inflammations in the liver and in the spleen.

What can we do to prevent the illness?

The people when they want to go in Africa they have to do preventions for don’t take the malaria. The preventions are:
- They have to wear long clothes for example jeans…and the colors of the clothes are bright.
- They don’t have to put perfumes.
- They have to put insect repellent.
- They have to sleep in the closes rooms with mosquito nets.
- Before to go in Africa they have to inject the malaria vaccine.